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Measuring stations in Germany

The ODL measuring network

The ODL measuring network of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection uses around 1,700 measuring probes to monitor radiation levels from natural radioactivity in the environment around the clock. The measuring network has an important early warning function in order to quickly detect increased radiation from radioactive substances in the air in Germany.

ODL probe with snowfall

ODL values: Impact of external factors

The natural radiation caused by radioactive substances at a specific place depends in particular on the altitude and the geological formation and remains largely constant over long periods of time. It is sometimes affected by external factors.

ODL-probe in front of a map of Germany

In case of an incident

In the event of an accident the values measured at almost 1,700 ODL measuring stations will be retrieved at 10 minute intervals. If the level of radioactivity measured at a measuring station exceeds a certain threshold value, a notification is automatically triggered. This ensures that an increase in radiation is detected immediately.

MWS1 – Central unit with display unit, telephone and automatic dialling device

What's the purpose of an ODL measuring system?

The history of the ODL measuring system. From automatic dialling device to fully automated system.

Radiation exposure in everyday life due to natural and artificial radiation

Radiation exposure in everyday life

People have always lived in a radiating environment. Natural and man-made radiation sources lead to a certain radiation exposure. The quantity of such radiation exposure is called the "dose". Radiation exposure may have different impacts on human health, depending on its intensity.

ODL probe on FINO2Source: GL Garrad Hassan

Maritime measuring stations

On three research rigs in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, the BfS has installed measuring stations for monitoring the environmental radioactivity. They are part of the ODL measuring network. Due to their geographical position they are an essential part of the early warning system in case of radiological events, e.g. in the United Kingdom or Sweden.

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