ODL-Info / Contact
The ODL measuring network is operated by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS).
To be able to operate the measuring systems over the whole area, six so-called measuring stations have been established. Each measuring station is responsible for the measuring systems operating in a specific geographic area.
The locations of the individual measuring stations are in
- Berlin,
- Bonn,
- Freiburg,
- Oberschleißheim,
- Rendsburg,
- Salzgitter.
Altogether about 45 staff of the BfS department of "Radiation Protection and the Environment" are responsible for the operation of the measuring systems. The staff members from various fields with various qualifications take care of the setting up, the maintenance and quality check of the measuring devices and the measured data.
Do you have questions about the internet offering? We will be pleased to answer your enquiries by ePost@bfs.de. Please enclose your postal sender address, so that we can process your mail.
This is why: To answer some of your questions it might be necessary to give you the competent federal state authority near your place of residence. That is only possible when we also know your address. Giving your phone number is especially helpful if personal consultation becomes necessary. Should you only be available at specified times, please mention this as well.
All data will be treated confidentially. Answers are optional.
Media inquiries
Are you a journalist? The contact persons in the BfS press office will be pleased to assist you in your search. They can be contacted by phone 0049 - 30 - 18 333-1130 or by presse@bfs.de.
State of 2021.05.19