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What is an emergency?

If a larger amount of radioactive substances is released, this is called a radiological emergency, which can have an impact on health and the environment. Radiological emergencies can be triggered, for example, by failures of technical components, by human error or even by natural disasters. The most widely known nuclear accidents that included massive releases of radioactive substances into the environment occurred in 1986 in Chornobyl (Russian: Chernobyl, Ukraine) and in 2011 in Fukushima (Japan).

Sketches: nuclear power plant, transport vehicles, satellite, nuclear facilities, and others, each with a radioactivity symbol

Reference scenarios

Radioactive substances can be released into the environment through various types of accidents. It depends on the type of accident which and how many radioactive substances are likely to be released and what impacts on the environment and the population in Germany are to be expected. With the help of different reference scenarios, radiological emergency protection can be planned in a more targeted manner and individual strategies for the protection of the population can be developed.

Shoes in front of a line

Dose criteria for emergencies

Dose criteria for emergencies indicate what civil protection measures should be taken above a certain level of expected radiation exposure to humans in the event of a radiological emergency. The dose of radiation a human being is exposed to serves as valuation standard.

Handheld measuring device used to determine the ambient dose rate in front of the Chornobyl reactor. The display shows a value of 3.04 microsievert per hour.

Emergency 1986: Chornobyl

The reactor disaster in Chornobyl (Russian: Chernobyl) in the Ukraine occurred on 26 April 1986. Large amounts of radioactive material were released which distributed over the northern hemisphere. The radioactive contamination in the affected areas resulting from this varied considerably, depending on the occurrence and level of precipitation during the drifting of the radioactive air masses. As a result of the Chornobyl accident many countries have updated their programmes for the protection of the population from radioactive radiation.

5 Phases

Phases of an emergency

A radiological emergency can be divided into several phases. Each single phase requires different countermeasures to protect man and environment against the consequences of the radiological emergency. One differentiates between the Urgency Phase (during an emergency) and the Post-accident Phase (after radioactivity has been released).

The last intact reactor unit of Fukushima DaiichiSource: christian aslund/EyeEm/

Emergency 2011: Fukushima

On 11 March 2011 a strong earthquake and, following this, a tsunami occurred in Fukushima/Japan. Significant damage was done to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which was impossible to manage with the available safety and security systems. The radioactive substances released as a result of this accident have contaminated air, soil and water in the area around Fukushima. So far, it has not been possible to evaluate health effects finally.

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