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What does the BfS do in an emergency?

In a radiological emergency, the BfS acts as part of the Federal Radiological Situation Centre to coordinate nationwide environmental measurements, as well as conducting measurements of its own. The BfS uses the measurement results and information about the source of the released radioactivity to draw up a radiological situation report. This serves as the basis for recommendations on emergency action issued by the Federal Environment Ministry to the state authorities that are responsible for emergencies.

BfS staff in a measuring vehicle

Environmental measurements

The radiological situation in Germany’s environment is monitored continuously using the automatic monitoring networks operated by the BfS and other institutions, as well as through the analysis of environment samples in laboratories. In a radiological emergency, measurements are stepped up and supplemented with mobile measuring systems on the ground or in the air. All measurement results are brought together within the IMIS Information System. European and global measuring networks such as the International Monitoring System of the CTBTO supplement the measurements at international level.

In a radiological emergency, the BfS analyses the radiological situation.

Federal Radiological Situation Centre

A special crisis team known as the Federal Radiological Situation Centre is set up in the event of a radiological emergency. This centre is responsible for drawing up the radiological situation report, which includes information on the circumstances of the accident, the current radiological situation, and a forecast of its development. At the Federal Radiological Situation Centre, experts from various authorities and institutions work hand in hand at the federal level under the direction of the Federal Environment Ministry (BMUV). The centre uses systems including the ELAN electronic situation display and the decision-making assistant RODOS of the BfS.

Ein Mann wird im Ganzkörperzähler des BfS untersucht.

Measurements of individuals

In an emergency, it may be necessary to examine affected individuals in order to determine whether they have incorporated radioactive substances into their body or been exposed to increased levels of radiation. In the BfS laboratories for incorporation monitoring in Berlin and Munich whole-body counters can be used to detect radionuclides incorporated into the body. In the cytogenetic laboratory of the BfS in Munich, biological dosimetry can be used to determine whether and to what extent a person has been exposed to radiation.

NGA exercise RASPAD

Response to Nuclear Security Events

In Germany, the federal states ("Bundesländer") are responsible for the response to nuclear security events. The BfS can support other civil authorities in all aspects of radiation protection, provided that radiological dangers are present. If the civil authorities responding to an event involving radioactive material out of regulatory control require support, the BfS can offer help. The section for the response to nuclear security events (NGA) has the task of preparing the entire BfS for just such requests.

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